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CDC Cartel Damage Claims

Executive Director / Competition Economist
CDC Cartel Damage Claims
Paris (France)
2014 - present

Dr Danilo Samà works as Executive Director at CDC Cartel Damage Claims in Paris, where he is office manager, case manager, and responsible for the economic analysis, econometric assessment and damage quantification. Having joined CDC in Brussels in 2014, in his role, he has gained extensive experience in all phases of damage litigation, working on economic issues concerning some of the largest antitrust cases in Europe. His expertise ranges from the development of theories of harm in relation to markets affected by cartels, the design of architectures for the collection of data provided by damaged companies, to the quantification of damages in and out-of-court. In his daily activities, he is in contact with the CDC’s network of renowned academic experts in the fields of econometrics and industrial organisation. Furthermore, he serves the French and Italian markets as a primary contact for damaged companies and law firms. Over the years, he has contributed to pioneering innovations in private antitrust enforcement such as the CDC’s interest calculation tool.

CDC Cartel Damage Claims

72, rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré
75008 Paris (France)
Tel.: (+33) (0)

Avenue Louise 475 Louizalaan
1050 Brussels (Belgium)
Tel.: (+32) (0)

Woogstrasse 4
67659 Kaiserslautern (Germany)
Tel.: (+49) (0)631.303.790

121, avenue de la Faïencerie
1511 Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
Tel.: (+352)

E-mail: sama@carteldamageclaims.com
Website: www.carteldamageclaims.com


© Dr Danilo Samà ®
Competition Economist (Ph.D.) | Paris (France)
E-mail: ds@danilosama.com | Website: www.danilosama.com
 MMXXV | 2025