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Law & Economics LAB

Law & Economics LAB (L&E LAB) is an interdisciplinary centre at the university LUISS “Guido Carli” University of Rome, focused on research, teaching, and consulting in the areas of the economic analysis of law. Founded in 2003, with 12 affiliates (i.e., 1 scientific director, 6 senior research fellows, 3 research fellow, 2 honorary fellows, 1 general secretary), it is the largest research institute specialising in law and economics in Italy. L&E LAB’s founder and scientific director is Roberto Pardolesi, Professor Emeritus of LUISS “Guido Carli” and pioneer in the introduction of interdisciplinary law and economics approaches in Italy during the 1970s.

The research team of L&E LAB includes professors, researchers and former students from LUISS “Guido Carli”, all holding a Ph.D. in law and economics; disseminates its research through the L&E LAB Working Paper Series, which counts more than 150 working papers available in free download and is structured according to five macro-categories; publishes articles and participates as board members and peer reviewers in more than 20 international and 30 national journals; and is author and editor of more than 40 monographs.

Dr Danilo Samà 
Research Fellow & General Secretary

Law & Economics LAB

LUISS “Guido Carli” University
Viale Romania 32
00197 Rome (Italy)

Tel.: (+39)
Fax.: (+39)

E-mail: info@law-economics.net
Website: www.law-economics.net


Italian Antitrust Association

The Italian Antitrust Association (Associazione Antitrust Italiana) promotes the study and discussion of the most relevant developments on the subject. It prepares proposals and discussion documents on the most important issues, also in order to submit them to the Italian Competition Authority, the European Commission and other relevant public and private institutions and bodies. It also promotes the dissemination of the culture of competition and consumer protection through the organization of conferences, seminars, debates, cultural events, editorial initiatives, competition talks and workshops.

Dr Danilo Samà 

Associazione Antitrust Italiana
(Italian Antitrust Association)

Via Salaria 259
00199 Rome (Italy)

Tel.: (+39)
E-mail: segreteria@associazioneantitrustitaliana.it
Website: www.associazioneantitrustitaliana.it


© Dr Danilo Samà ®
Competition Economist (Ph.D.) | Paris (France)
E-mail: ds@danilosama.com | Website: www.danilosama.com
 MMXXV | 2025